Highest Rated Comments

vlad_didenko4 karma

Prof.Lessig, thank you for participating in this session.

  1. Is it fair to say that removing individual caps balances out very loose PACs caps in SCOTUS eyes?

  2. Would it be a better (but harder) first step from a political perspective to remove "corporation (or any organization) is a person" notion?

  3. Actually, is that "corporation (or any organization) is a person" notion negatively impacting politics, or is it an urban myth?

vlad_didenko1 karma

Thank you.

vlad_didenko1 karma

OK, I should've write "to keep" instead of "to justify" - assuming a possibility that unlimited contributions to SuperPACs will ever be debated.

Thank you for the answer!

vlad_didenko1 karma

Mr. Lessig, would you think the mere existence of MAYDAY PAC will be used to justify unlimited PAC contributions? Kind of like "see, it works for everyone"?