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vexstream7 karma

I recently was working with the newish rasppi pico processors- which have an interesting feature called the "PIO"s which are a set of state machines to do input-output outside of the cpu. These feature 9 instructions, with two scratch registers- all other registers are bound to hardware or buffers.

The entire time I was working with them I just couldn't get over how much I was reminded of your games- an obscure instruction set with odd limitations!

I'm sorry to see your team go, your games might be one of the few puzzles ever created with nearly direct real life application- so much so I've recommended spacechem and others to people learning to program, just to get the mindset.

To that end- what started this track? How did the zach-like become a thing, and not just a one-off?

vexstream2 karma

Hm, that's a farnsworth fusor, yeah? Fun stuff, and those are some pretty good results!

If anyone wants a (simpler, and much smaller) version, check out this make article.

vexstream1 karma

What's the most interesting/unique attack vector you've seen someone use, malware or otherwise?

Thanks for doing such a fleshed-out ama too, don't see them too often.