Highest Rated Comments

vbevan114 karma

Electrolysis and salt water? Weren't you more worried about chlorine gas?

vbevan84 karma

Pff, surgeons are gods able to work 48 hours straight. It's not like there's research to say that's a bad idea!

vbevan55 karma

Move as little as possible and stay calm. Higher heart rate = more venom moved around your body.

If bitten on a extremity, start at the bite site then wind a bandage up the arm/leg then back down past the bite site. Not too tight, you don't want to cut off circulation, just slow it down. If their fingers turn people it's too tight.

Do a first aid course, you'll learn this and more. Most companies will pay for you to do it if you ask.

Edit: fingers should not turn purple or people!

vbevan45 karma

I feel for Americans whenever i hear a story like this.

At least 80% of a wheelchair's cost is covered by medicare in Australia, with prescription. If you still can't afford it, but need it due to permanent durability, we have government programs like caep that basically let you "borrow" one for life.

Disability isn't a choice, why shouldn't society collectively help those who had an unfortunate dice roll? Today you, tomorrow me.

vbevan41 karma

Then have crossover of a couple of hours on shifts.