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vari-slash75 karma

I'm an Eagle and also an atheist. I was the leader of my patrol that all obtained Eagle as well. It consisted of me, an agnostic, a homosexual, and a christian. We were all good friends and remain so this day. We lived in a rather religious town, and our meetings were held in a church (something I always had an issue with), so our reverence was always kind of assumed. But we were never asked any direct questions about our religion or sexuality. I think my scout master may have had a little bit more open views than what the council pushes. Oftentimes I believe that the religion and sexuality questions matter more to the council, who want to keep appearances, then they do to the individual troops. However, I believe we need to send a strong message to the council that they need to change. I always hated the overt religious vibes that permeated through everything in scouts, but I put up with them because I loved the friends that I had made there and the awesome activities (camping, rock climbing, white water) that I otherwise would have been unable to do if I wasn't a scout. It makes my blood boil when I think of some kid being denied the opportunities I had because of his religious creed or sexuality, all because the Mormons have such a large stake in the scouting community.

TL;DR: Me and my ragtag bunch of misfits all made Eagle and are fine people because of the opportunities scouting gave us. No boy should be denied that. It is crucial we demand sexual and religious equality in the scouting community.

EDIT: Someone was doubting I was an Eagle. Ha.

vari-slash2 karma

A few questions:

  • Can you give us an idea of what you make, and what your hours are like?

  • Can you make suggestions about changes? I know I've played some games and thought, "man, if I was a tester I would have told them to change X."

  • I've heard sometimes testers are made to do monotonous tasks like turning the system off and on hundreds of times. Ever done anything like that?

  • Can you write off games or system purchases as a business expense? (half joking).