Highest Rated Comments

vamcthrow201348 karma

Mainly coercive / borderline threatening behavior by employees. There was a lot of odd stuff. Lot's of in-fighting by staff (union vs non-union), poor physical structure, lack of actual therapy, and intermixing of extremely low functioning patients with predatory and high functioning patients.

Edit for clarification: Many threats to file for legal custody of voluntary admit patients for politely questioning a medicine change

vamcthrow201343 karma

Doing great, I went to a "civilian" psychiatrist two days after I left. Different diagnosis and put me on my original meds. I was actually experiencing "discontinuation syndrome" when I left. They stopped most of my meds rather quickly.

vamcthrow201321 karma

Thank you much! You do the same!

vamcthrow201319 karma

Pretty much. Meds, lots of crossword puzzles, TV room time, bibles, and walking the halls. Individual therapy was absolutely minimal. They did have various types of group therapy session scheduled approx 5 times a day; however, virtually none of them were ever held. It looks good on paper. I never saw more than one group therapy being held a day. There was one exception, we had psychology group and rec-group (It was me and a rec-therapist playing Wii with an older lady with dementia. Comparatively I was on a small number of meds. However I asked for (and received) sleep medicine and they allowed me to take it with another sedative. I did that to knock myself the hell out to make the time go by faster, it was also hard to sleep in that place.

vamcthrow201316 karma

That was one of the scariest things about it, for me. There were patients there who would have no way to effectively communicate if they were victimized (or would be less likely to be believed). By predatory I meant violent patients who would try to take advantage of lower intellect patients or fuck with them. Like asking if they saw the tiger that was running through the unit.