Highest Rated Comments

vactuna216 karma

How many of the essays you scored included references to Hitler and/or Nazis?

I somehow managed to do it in every single SAT essay (I took the test 3 times) no matter what the topic was...

vactuna142 karma

Religion is a much more overt part of life over there. I was a young atheist living in Pakistan for a while and would get heavily criticized by my family for not praying five times a day, reading the Quran in front of everyone, wearing hijab, or even telling people going through a hard time that I'd pray for them. Fasting was a big deal too- during Ramadan my schoolmates would all fast like it was some sort of competition, and anyone who dared to eat lunch during school was a filthy infidel who deserved to be made fun of. And the girls would all have to cover our heads when azaan (the call to prayer, 5 times a day) was called; I used to get detention every time I didn't. One time I lent a friend a System of a Down CD and he broke it in half because there was a line in Aerials Chop Suey that said "when angels deserve to die" and he was pissed that I gave him such "filth". He wasn't my friend after that.

I live in the US now and I wouldn't go back there if you paid me.

vactuna121 karma


This is the sword of the true king. Now kiss it.

+11 Moxie -11 Muscle

Enchantment: Mother Is Calling For Me (ends combat mid-battle)

vactuna57 karma

I've been playing since 2004, thanks for all the meat. My favourite thing about the game has always been all of the parodies and references in the items and areas; which one did you find the funniest to write?

Also, do you like ASOIAF/Game of Thrones? If so, do you plan on releasing any content that spoofs or references it, like a Mr. Store item? I would love that so hard.

vactuna14 karma

Living with moderate muslims in Qatar there was such a strong sense of safety and freedom. You could go wherever you wanted with your friends, and there were no "unsafe" areas. Even walking alone, as a girl, in a dark alley past midnight you could feel safe.

I DEFINITELY didn't experience this in Pakistan. My mother owned a store and she was sexually and physically assaulted by a robber when she was closing up one evening for daring to be a woman who owned and worked in a store in the first place :/ I wasn't allowed to leave the house unchaperoned at all, ever, nor did I want to in that environment. I still haven't gotten over what happened to my mum.