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v4-digg-refugee133 karma

This guy makes jokes.

Edit: Not that I'm saying you're not sexy, I just uhh. I think you're a wonderful person.

v4-digg-refugee81 karma

A few years ago my dad's backyard became an overcrowded bird convention. He only had 8 or 10 trees, but every single branch would be filled with the birds. You could see more birds than trees. It was honestly more dense but less scary than the Hitchcock movie. They'd leave through the day, and come back at sunset. From any point in the city at sunset, you'd see birds flocking toward his house. It'd usually last for a few months through the winter and then they'd disperse. Came back the next year with more birds.

What. On. Earth?

v4-digg-refugee2 karma

I've been following the live steam and footage pretty closely, paying particular interest to individuals and trying to get a feel for what it's actually like. Answer what you'd like.

What are you guys talking about in the hours upon hours you're standing around? How long is any one person out there? It was about the same temperature this morning here in America. How on earth do you guys stand the cold?

Is there much fear for your lives? Have you been particularly close to any of the melee combat? Do you find this getting more heated or less?

What's the most ingenious tactic you've seen from either side of this? Thanks so much.