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uyghurrallynyc611 karma
Thank you for that questions. Unfortunately, majority of the people are not being released. A document quoted the party secretary Chen Quango on detention centers stating the camps should "teach like a school, be managed like the military and be defended like a prison" and “must first break their lineage, break their roots, break their connections and break their origins.” These chilling words stated in an internal document, reported by the media to the public, only touch on Beijing’s harsh policies towards the Uyghurs. The situation is getting worse as the Chinese government continues to get away with their inhumane practices in front of the world community.
The persecution against the Uyghurs is racially motivated. The PRC’s strategy of building a new Silk Road with the Belt and Road initiative is causing destruction in our homeland and populating massive concentration camps. China’s campaign of despotism extends far beyond the horrendous camps. Ubiquitous security like that of George Orwell’s 1984, a massive, high-tech police state, is the cruel reality for the entire region in West China.
uyghurrallynyc570 karma
Yes, thank you. Gratefully, the world once stood up and has said “never again” for such horrendous crimes against one race and religion. Now, the "never again" is happening all over again. Unless it follows with a real action, it will be a real physical genocide. The holocaust did not start with mass executions and gas chambers. It always starts with hate and now the hatred against the Uyghurs is escalating rapidly as the Chinese regime is getting away with incarcerating 3 million innocent people in the modern-day concentration camps.
uyghurrallynyc565 karma
There are 10+ million Uyghurs in the world. A very, very, very small number of them were involved in a few terrorist attacks - less than a few hundred people. Detaining 3 million Muslims is an insanely outsized response to something like that, and has no place in the modern world.
If someone got food poisoning from an apple once or twice and then proceeded to burn down every apple orchard on earth, bulldoze cider mills, and ban pie... would you call them a reasonable person? This is the logic that the Chinese government (among others) is selling it's people, and it is the logic of hate.
uyghurrallynyc487 karma
They have indeed retaliated against me - the Chinese government kidnapped my sister and put her in one of the camps because of my activism. She was a law abiding citizen who violated none of the laws that the Chinese use to justify their policies in XinJiang. Because of my work fighting against this, she has lost her liberty. As I said below, I honestly do not even know if she's alive.
This is a perfect example of the draconian measures this government is taking to prevent people from speaking out against them.
uyghurrallynyc1728 karma
Thanks for your response. Theres a few things that western democratic countries can do -
Use trade to pressure China to end it's repressive policies. By punishing the Chinese governments international economy for its actions domestically, these governments can hopefully get China to back down.
If this doesn't work, we can use the global magnitsky act to specifically sanction Chinese officials involved in repressive actions in XinJiang. The US government has been taking actions to punish china for this, with major bills passing in both the house and the senate focused on these issues.
You are right - it is unquestionably a cultural genocide. The holocaust didn't start overnight, and there's very real parallels here. By standing up to China now, these governments can prevent even worse things from happening in the near future.
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