Highest Rated Comments

usernumber36565 karma

"if I recall"

usernumber365 karma

woah woah woah why removed??!

OP if you're still here I hope you haven't gotten any negative backlash or something for this. Fuck anyone who doesn't want to support you. You've been through hell and you have every right to stand on the rooftops and say fuck these people as loud as you can. Fuck them and fuck anyone who tries to give you shit about it.

usernumber365 karma

It combines multiple procedures in one to address the nasal septum, inferior turbinates and nasal valve.

but what IS it? if it isn't surgery I have no idea what I'm imagining happening here

usernumber363 karma

how do you teach abstract mathematics to students who are concrete operational at best?

usernumber362 karma

We have proof that bacteria once existed on Mars

woah woah woah I fucking missed this. when did that happen?!! source??