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userisok93 karma

It's Hitler's birthday and for some reason causes people to crave Taco Bell.

userisok11 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA. I have two questions.

Would you consider a 3-second commercial? I think it would be pretty easy to market. Flash each one of your menu items across the screen in under 3 seconds with the words "Taco Bell" on the bottom. Then at the end, have someone yell "Now!" or some other saying. I think it would get people's attention, maybe even subliminally implant the idea of delicious Taco Bell.

Also, would you consider Taco Bell flavored blunt wraps? The packaging can even resemble a sauce packet.

userisok4 karma

8 Feet!? That's indeed a long John.

userisok2 karma

With a seemingly new stance being taken on marijuana (at least in America), do you consider marijuana to be a perfomance enhancing drug? Do you believe it should be considered a banned substance?