Highest Rated Comments

urban_sketcher35 karma

This seems pretty basic. Women are smaller on average, and socialized for meekness. I'm going to guess the average officer feels more confident subduing a woman with nonviolent force. You're less likely to go to the gun or baton if you can handle the person with a hold or even a shout.

urban_sketcher16 karma

Can you give a summary of the damaging effects of work? What is the theory, in a nutshell?

urban_sketcher14 karma

But - what if you love your work? For instance, I'm an artist. If I do 80 hours of painting in a week, generally I'm tired, but in a warm fuzzy zone where I love everyone and the world is great. Could it be that your studies are only seeing the downside of wage-slavery, not of work itself?

urban_sketcher7 karma

Is "runners high" a real thing?

urban_sketcher2 karma

Can you reccomend any links to info on that topic a layman might understand?