Highest Rated Comments

untroller259 karma

RemindMe! 4 months "Skynet is online"

untroller121 karma

Mississippi State mens' basketball team didn't tip me for 50 pizzas back in 2003 when I delivered for Domino's in Gainesville. They had just lost.

This bad behavior needs to be corrected.

untroller115 karma

Was there any kind of discomfort or change with the lump?

I'm a guy with what my physician says is a hardened lymph node in my pectoral muscle, I'm still trying to figure out if a second opinion is warranted. $$$$, America and all....


untroller18 karma

More useful correlations are found when checking factors such as socioeconomic status, education, arrest history.

untroller7 karma

The base mozzarella is literally the same cheese from the same distributor in the same box with a different label. You never noticed that?