Highest Rated Comments

unknownhero9659 karma

How did you became a UN election monitor? Did they asked you, or did you made the first step? In which country did you served? Whas it a remarkable experience? Thank you for the AMA!

unknownhero966 karma

how exactly is the Desktop versions Performance awful?

unknownhero962 karma

Thank you for your AMA. I would have never thought that a cochlear implant could spark such outrage with people in and around the deaf community. Do you also know deaf people that support the implant and your decision? From what I learned in university (moral ethics and such stuff) parents are considered to be responsible for the well-being of their child, and can give their consent for any procedure if it serves the Childs best interests. This means that nobody else has the right to interfer with your decision, because you did exactly what you're allowed to do. Your son will be able to hear and learn sign language at the same time; which is way better for him (from my perspective) than being deaf and only speaking sign-language.

unknownhero960 karma

Where can I get that shirt?