Highest Rated Comments

ungulate10 karma

Tall Justin is the funniest thing I've ever seen on the internet. Would love to see more of him! I mean, uh, more comics featuring the same amount of him.

ungulate8 karma

How often are you getting re-tested?

My little brother died of aggressive T-cell NHL diagnosed at late stage 4 with very similar symptoms to yours. (He was 23.) It was about 20 years ago, so the treatments weren't as good as they are now.

But the one thing I'd have done differently is get him checked more -- after he first went into remission, he wasn't actually cancer-free, and it came back in a few weeks with a vengeance. Maybe if we'd been more aggressive about it, he might have had a chance.

Anyway, everyone's different, and the treatments are much more sophisticated these days. But if I were you I'd get re-checked weekly for the first 6 months.

ungulate8 karma

Congrats! How long have you been in remission?

ungulate6 karma

For what it's worth, he could see bumps on his body within a week of getting diagnosed cancer-free. Just do self-checks and you should be good, in terms of early warnings.

I hope you stay cancer-free forever. Most people don't realize how horrible it is. You sound like you have an awesome attitude and a great life ahead of you.

ungulate1 karma

What single thing did you see on your trip that surprised you the most?