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unfazedmama62 karma

Did the medical staff seem to have a "type" like most serial killers? Besides access and I'm sure patients with limited family involvement, did they seek out patients with specific features or diagnoses?

unfazedmama6 karma

My super basic understanding (so forgive me if this isn't helpful at all) is that the mixture of warm air evaporating off the warmed ocean mixes with the cool upper atmosphere air. If I remember correctly, this is what gives hurricanes their rotation and can cause tornados in the storm itself.

Edit: I decided to look it up and my comment is pure nonsense so sorry for that. Here is what LiveScience has to say on it

unfazedmama5 karma

Is storm surge/flooding the major cause for building destruction? Florida building codes are so strict post Andrew, it seems like most cement block, boarded up, highly rated roof straped houses are fairly impervious to cat 5 winds, is that true? Was the destruction we saw in the Bahamas mostly because of the storm surge?

unfazedmama4 karma

Can't blame you for that! I'd appreciate any science doc recommendations you may have! My science background is all medical related like bio and chem so physics and geology are a whole new universe to me!

unfazedmama4 karma

As an astronomer, do you watch astronomy documentaries? I just recently watched NOVAs Black Hole Apocalypse and Eclipse Over America which were awesome. Do you have any recommendations?