Highest Rated Comments

unemployedprofs3437 karma

It happens occasionally. Often it's the result of miscommunication, where the client or our professor misunderstood the requirements, or the client only provided partial instructions. The latter is a huge problem for us.

However, when this happens, our professors will usually offer a rewrite immediately, and if that's not an option, the client receives a refund.

unemployedprofs2956 karma

Something about horses and ducks perhaps? Research studies show that this is a popular area of interest.

unemployedprofs2374 karma

Yes, those worry me the most. We don't see many people in med school, but rather disturbingly, a large percentage of our students are in nursing school or getting an education degree. Yeah, let that last one sink in...

unemployedprofs2047 karma

/u/IamDeleuzienne actually does this.

unemployedprofs1821 karma

On average, we get around 1500-2500 projects per month.