Highest Rated Comments

unachievablehappines24 karma

am Venezuelan, left that shithole a year ago. Never coming back, fuck that.

I hope this guy can get out at some point. That's what I wish for anyone I care about that is still there.

unachievablehappines23 karma

at my work we use Excel to do a simple connectivity test against our websites and send email alerts.

There's a memory leak in Excel that makes it so our 64GB server that runs this chokes and dies every few days.

I want to die

unachievablehappines8 karma

wait he said "no"

There is not a product in the show that I do not regret not having invested money into it

That's like a shitload of negatives so let me remove them

There is not a product in the show that I do not regret not having invested money into it

the double negative cancels out, am I reading this right?

so there is a company that he regrets having put money into?

am I reading this wrong?

unachievablehappines7 karma

I haven't checked. This is in Office 2013 iirc so it may have been fixed in a later version.

unachievablehappines6 karma

as a programmer: you are all insane and I love you, where do I send my resume? :P