Highest Rated Comments

tz24425 karma

I was excited about watching My Gimpy Life as soon as I saw the trailer for Season 1. Happily supporting Season 2 as well.

It seems like you've gotten a lot of positive responses and press to the show, but have you received any negative responses?

tz24423 karma

TV started with a few big broadcast networks, then cable added the ability for hundreds of specialized channels. Do you see internet productions as a natural continuation of this specialization of programming? Does creative control in your own internet production outweigh the potential of being on millions of tv screens when you would probably have network and advertising pressure affecting your content?

tz24422 karma

Have you watched the Mayday/Air Crash Investigation episode about your flight? youtube link

tz24421 karma

Were the scenes in season 1 of MGL where you get to the commerical set and you don't get a real dressing room based on a real experience? Have you had experiences on a set where they were really prepared or really unprepared for you?