Highest Rated Comments

typing115 karma

From what I understand ( and it isn't much) they have to make sure none of the equipment is touched by anything that would make it no longer kosher, so they must oversee the entire process. That's why most companies that don't offer any kosher products, can't do so with the same equipment.

I can see how the practice may seem like extortion to some, but there's plenty of products which are not labeled kosher. Theres only nearly 13 million Jewish people on earth, so as far as market share, unless Jewish people really love chocolate bars more than anyone else. But whatever it takes to get your product more appealing to everyone I guess that's what you're paying for

typing86 karma

When you say you had a view as if you were on the ceiling, were you having an out-of-body experience?

typing5 karma

Hi Phil,

What's your take on why Sam was so easily trusted? Did his parents really play such a huge role in people's perspective of Sam?

Additionally, appearing on many youtube videos, giving interviews - he had been called out that his methodology was obtuse and quite obviously a ponzi how even sam described it, without naming it. Quite frankly it appeared incredibly obvious that this kid had no actual concept of how these financial companies should function let alone be managed. Is hindsight that obvious, or did he truly trick so many people?

typing3 karma

Thanks Jessica..

typing-1 karma

Would you be ok with sharing a picture? I actually tried to google the condition to no avail