Highest Rated Comments

txeggplant1 karma


As someone uncompromised by lobbyists- what is your track record concerning policymaking? Can you give an example of a time when you were able to sway the State to change a policy or make a new law in line with your proposed platform?

How will you contain the brain drain? How will you convince students who have come from wealth, or at least from families who can afford the tuition at SU, to remain in Syracuse at a job paying even a living wage, when the city residents are overburdened by taxes, both state and local?

With something like 52 percent of the city being tax-exempt, how will you address the increasing burden on city services?

How will you fix the aging infrastructure of Syracuse? Roads, sewers, electricity, lack of high-speed internet ... and how do you intend to fund repairs / replacements absent of State funds?

How exactly will you bring jobs to Syracuse? Has this been duplicated elsewhere in the United States?

How would the MHH be funded initially? How do you justify replacing private industry (the for-profit agencies) with a government entity?

Who would fund the rent-to-own program?

How do you intend to fund the increased number of programs needed for the extended number of juvenile criminals? Where will the of millions of dollars needed for these programs come from?

How would you advocate for Syracuse against statewide mandates? What is good for NYC is not necessarily good for Syracuse, and yet we are hamstrung by mandates created by New York City and Albany.

You say you are concerned about an Orwellian society yet policies such as Ban the Box and creating municipal agencies to replace private industry are prime examples of propaganda and Big Brotherism?
