Highest Rated Comments

twinmanna2 karma

Thank you so much for your reply! :) You made my day. I admire you so much.

"Easy" is certainly not a word I ever use to describe my experience as a mother and an engineering student, but it is absolutely the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I love facing challenges and and realizing that I have the ability to accomplish them. My confidence has grown a lot since I began pursuing this career, and I aim to give it everything thing I have. I am very excited.

I am relieved to hear that traveling for an internship is not required to build a strong resume. I would love to travel in my career, but perhaps it would be easier once my baby is older and more autonomous.

What would you say are key elements to network and become more visible to employers? (Personality traits, leadership training, technical ability, etc.)

You are absolutely inspiring. Thanks again. <3

twinmanna1 karma

Thank you! I will keep those in mind! :)

twinmanna1 karma

Thanks! What are some good nationally competitive scholarships/awards/internships that I should be aware of and working toward?

twinmanna1 karma

Hi Emily! I am currently a full-time biomedical engineering student and young mother to a beautiful toddler, and I was wondering if you can give me advice about being involved and balancing a busy schedule. You emphasized the importance of summer internships, and I am not sure those can be as accessible to me since I am a mother. I currently work in a great lab on campus that researches spider silk proteins. Would a local job have the same impact on my resumé as an internship would? I would love to hear your thoughts. :) Thank you!