Highest Rated Comments

twiggytwig8 karma

All of these oilfield outfits have full benefits. Yes sick time and vacation and insurance.

twiggytwig5 karma

Have you read Emergency by Neil Strauss? It is along the same lines as some of your posts. He decides he is in no way self sufficient and wants to do something about it. Its a really quick read and pretty interesting. I wish it was more in depth, but it's worth it.

twiggytwig5 karma

If you understand electronics and electricity at all you could be an oilfield etech. Lots of computer stuff on those trucks. Good money. Pm me if you want more info.

twiggytwig2 karma

How much money did you make in Jordan? How much in Turkey?

twiggytwig1 karma

How much was your rent in Jordan? Just trying to get an idea of what your cost of living was.