Highest Rated Comments

tvrr36 karma

All of our missions are fulfilled by increasingly autonomous robots run by us humans on earth.

Are there any facets of asteroid mining that are likely to require a human presence or does your organization believe that the entire procedure can be performed by either automated robots or teleoperated robots from earth?

tvrr11 karma

Are you pursuing the GIS degree for personal reasons, or does tie in to your career as a police officer?

I ask because I working a CS degree and have recently become interested in the field of GIS.

tvrr11 karma

What do you think of the rising use of drones by police forces?

What do you think of the idea of mandating that police officers must wear cameras on their uniforms that record continuously and transmit the data to the police station and an independent 3rd party?

tvrr2 karma

Is JWST being designed with refueling ports to enable an automated mission to refuel the telescope?

tvrr2 karma

I'm stealing that line Sir.

And thank you for your positive influence in my life. That story has touched me and made me better for it.