Highest Rated Comments

trophypants174 karma

Politifact has been around for a few elections now. Have you noticed any changes in the types of facts being thrown around? Do you feel there is more or less malicious lies such as Carly Fiona's planned parenthood fiasco? When do you think candidates will adapt to the instant fact checking services such as yours provide?

trophypants23 karma

Thanks for the suit voucher you sent me! By the way, I named my pet snake Lt. Dan because he ain't got no legs either!

I hope someone sees this and realizes the wonderful work Gary and his foundation do for the military. Wounded Warrior, for one, would not be the same without him. Anyways, I wish I could thank you in person!

trophypants7 karma

What's the biggest challenge of getting bipartisan support on such an emotional issue such as creationism/god in schools? What was your individual strategy and how did that strategy evolve over time? Anything you'd change in hindsight?

Thank you so much for the great educational opportunities you provided our children with. I'm of the opinion that education is the secret to long term economic/cultural success of our country so I try and stay very involved with the issues affecting as much I can. Hope to someday run for local school board when I'm older. Thanks!

trophypants6 karma

I promise Im not trying to be condescending, and am asking this with the best of intent. What about the 2 times you sent to the finals and didn't raise the cup. What went through your head then?

trophypants2 karma

Im stationed in kbay, and new to the islands. Where do I go for good local music on Oahu? I hope i can catch one of your shows sometime, thanks for the Ama!