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triviaqueen19 karma

A friend of mine was married to a child psychiatrist, and he was treating three siblings who had been removed from their home. They decided to adopt all three of the siblings, who were age 4, 6, and 10 at the time. They had two older children of their own, but had always wanted a big family, and they thought with his background in psychiatry, they would be one big happy family. Thereafter followed five years of pure hell as the children ransacked and ruined their lives in every sort of horrible way. They finally had the adoption rescinded and turned the kids back over to the state - amid much outcry from the community, from people who have NO IDEA what it takes to deal with such children. I watched my friend go through all that trauma, and I shared her relief when these children were finally gone from her life, and I have nothing but pure sympathy for the OP.