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tribute91120 karma

Peter: As a volunteer, we lead groups of visitors onto the memorial and explain not only the memorial itself but the events of 9/11 and its impacts.

Ann: Whenever something happens that is beyond explanation, we assume there is a conspiracy.

Staff: Popular Mechanics debunks many of the big conspiracies in a very well written article. We just want people to note that it is insensitive to bring up the conspiracy theories while on the Memorial on September 11th.

Peter: The only conspiracy was among the terrorists who flew the planes into the buildings.

Matt: While there are unanswered questions, we do not feel that necessarily means a conspiracy and that doesn't change the events of that day and the people who were murdered.

tribute91115 karma

Ann: I did tours with her-- it was beyond my comprehension that someone would make up a story to be part of the September 11th story. My heart was broken for the people that had befriended her and poured their hearts out.

tribute91113 karma

Peter: I can tell you-- the buildings were "demolished" by the planes that flew into them and caused the fires and damage. That's it. Including Building 7. (For clarity, Peter was firsthand involved with the PA, he was there and saw everything)

Matt: There are a lot of unanswered questions, but to fixate on a building that no one died in kind of ignores the fact that terrorists flew planes into buildings and murdered thousands of people that day.

tribute91110 karma

Thank you so much for visiting us! Did you go on a tour? We actually have a lot of Australians come on our tours, for which we're very grateful.

Ann about volunteering: It's part therapy (laughs) Also, I say this on tours, in the beginning it was just my story, but now I'm aware of other peoples' stories, and its been very helpful.

Staff: These guys are our history keepers of this.

Matt: I always say on my tours this experience of learning about history from those who were there (Ann: Person to Person History) has an expiration date. I always encourage people to come and do these tours while they still can. We're also all volunteers, nobody profits off of all of this.

Peter: I don't know what we're doing now. Previously there was a boundary on the site. They're (the street sellers) are supposed to be a block away from the site.

Matt: We rely on people like you to tell people that this is where they should come to hear the real stories.

Ann: We encourage you not to buy from people on the street.

tribute91110 karma

Ann: I do it because the stories have to be told. I always told my daughters to not let 9/11 define them, so instead I define 9/11 for people.

Peter: I too worked in WTC and lost many friends and colleagues that day. By volunteering, I help explain things and honor their memories.

Matt: Just to make sure that nobody takes for granted what they have.