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trevorswim3 karma

If this is too personal I understand but what did you do?

trevorswim3 karma

A few years back I read The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement. by Jean M. Twenge and W. Keith Campbel and at one point they recounted how when interviewing a number of self-made millionaires at a dinner one of them told them that he "only drank two types of beer: free and Budweiser". They also said that the self-made millionaires were notably more efficient in their spending then the average person, i.e. they would shop around and price match on things before buying them and understood that value of a buck, despite having so many of them. Is this in keeping with your experience?

trevorswim2 karma

Thanks for letting me know

trevorswim2 karma

What's your opinion on cops making bad decisions and then not suffering any consequences? I personally feel that there are many cases where the judge should throw the book at them (blatant abuses of power, cases where there was a clearly avoidable death caused by negligence or poor choices, stuff like that) and nothing happens to them but I also admit that a cops job is very stressful and they can't stick to the guidelines 100% of the time. What's your take on the matter?

trevorswim1 karma

If God had a modern profession what do you think it would be? Do you think that God as your church portrays him would have a different profession then another church's portrayal of him? Why? If you do feel that a different church's portrayal of him would have a different please point out the differences in doctrine that make it so, I know very little about how different churches differ in belief.