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treblah3536 karma

Everyone is focusing on your screen roles but I have to say I loved your voice acting in the video game Prey (2017). You have a great and recognizable voice.

What was that process like? Did you get to work directly with the other actors or was it more a case of everyone recording their parts separately?

treblah3261 karma

It's excellent, and the character you play adds a lot of tension to the story. Thanks for answering!

treblah328 karma

Not OP but no. Textbook margin is more in the 25-35% markup range. The base price (net price from the publisher) is very high, so once the bookstore takes its markup it's even higher.

treblah34 karma

Thanks for posting a link! I don't even watch GoT, but with the amount of times she mentions how difficult the costume was, I was really curious to see it.

treblah32 karma

Hello, Robert! I'm a UK transplant living in the USA, big fan of Red Dwarf, and it's required viewing for my friends.

My question is - what's the difference in time it took to apply the original Kryten makeup around season 3 versus season X?

And ok a second question, do you have a favourite Red Dwarf episode?