Highest Rated Comments

toxicbrew57 karma

Do you ever secretly wish you were so that you could finally use the skills you've acquired? Maybe like the earthquake scene in 2012? OK, bad example.

toxicbrew14 karma

For those who haven't seen it, John Oliver's piece on the quandary we've left our translators in is fantastic. https://youtu.be/QplQL5eAxlY

toxicbrew10 karma

Not trying to sound rude here but half of that seems common to the points and miles community. The points guy and others are built on maximizing points and closing out when not needed anymore. one. The us mint was well known but shut down. Very hard to get cash like transactions with credit cards anymore. The ABC consulting thing seems shady but as long as the 3% transaction fee is paid and taxes are accounted for, no harm done, right? The ach thing is abuse though z and not paying off your cards is just plain theft

toxicbrew9 karma

Which reprentatives and senators are opposed to this, and why?

toxicbrew8 karma

Is this in line with the SC's ruling a few years ago that knowledge of Miranda rights are so ingrained into culture (from TV, movies, et al) that people 'should' know it already, and that an officer's inadvertent lack of reading them is no longer grounds for throwing out an arrest? (Sorry if I misunderstood some facts).