Highest Rated Comments

totallyunmotivated34 karma

Unless you can demonstrate that there is something about walmart that induces criminal activity in otherwise law-abiding citizens, I don't see why executing law enforcement in the area of a particular store would detract from executing law enforcement elsewhere. If the belligerent drunk is arrested in walmart, he wont need to be arrested in a domestic at his home. If the shoplifter is arrested in walmart, she won't need to be arrested in another store simultaneously. I guess my problem is how you determine that walmarts aren't simply "crime sinks" that make it easier for law enforcement to react to specific activities.

totallyunmotivated19 karma

Nothing can be handled by on site security. The moment they take any real action on any kind of scale, there will be videos of controversial interactions and then everyone on reddit will start talking about "walmart thugs". This is the first time I've seen reddit be in favor of privatizing anything, and it's only because it'll cost walmart money and they like that.

totallyunmotivated17 karma

We save so much money from the health benefits of green clean energy. That alone pays the cost of the energy transition.

citation needed

totallyunmotivated17 karma

You have mentioned a couple of times how much danger you would be in if you were caught. Are you really convinced a guy that works at a factory farm is going to get violent with you because you videotaped him kicking a cow, or are you just playing up how crazy these evil people are?

totallyunmotivated4 karma

a substation downtown by the bars serves everyone there. A police substation in a Walmart only serves Walmart

Why would a bar substation serve everyone in the area while a walmart substation only serves walmart, rather than the people in and around the walmart?

Seems like you could say the substation by the bars serves the bars and subsidizes their security costs.

If criminals are more likely to act up in a particular location, I don't see the problem in focusing the police attention there, whether it's a store or a bar.

You just have a double standard against walmart. Especially because the bars are directly involved in the belligerence of their customers, while the walmart is just a store.