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totallynotabear5 karma

What's the meanest thing Justin Beiber fans have said to you?

totallynotabear3 karma

Hi Chris! I reached out to you after hearing about you on the Endless Thread podcast to construct an adventure as a gift to my boyfriend. I filled out your form online and you asked to connect via phone the next week. Before wasting both of our time, I asked to get an idea of the budget range for this type of adventure. You replied rudely with:

"In the past, I've found that people who's no.1 concern is the budget instead of the adventure tend to add constraints that make it more difficult for me to build.

If I tell you the budget without telling you all the nuances and pieces that go into it, most likely we'll just part ways then, but best case scenario, you'll just want the budget to be as low as possible. That makes for a mediocre adventure which wouldn't be fair to anyone and wouldn't be worth the time and money you'd be spending."

My question is, why would you want to waste your time building an adventure for someone if they couldn't potentially afford it? Has your customer service improved?

I told a lot of people about your email, which makes a lot of assumptions based on the two-sentence conversation we had. With any good or service, price is always the first question.