Highest Rated Comments

topher-dot-com3 karma

How do you play test your designs? How do you decide when a design is ready for market?

Which games that you have worked on were the hardest to design?

The new Star Wars Risk has a lot of designer mechanics that se it apart from other hasbro titles, does hasbro have any plans to develop more mechanic heavy or european style (catan, Dominion, Ticket to Ride) games?

Legacy games are back in the spot light, are there any plans to make a sequel to Risk legacy or add the legacy format to other titles?

topher-dot-com2 karma

Great to hear that you will be at Essen.

I know you hold the license to Star Wars board games, and Fantasy Flight has the miniatures game license; is there any possibility that a joint venture between you two to make Star Wars Twilight Imperium might happen?