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toomuchLSD40 karma

man, babies AGAIN!?

toomuchLSD15 karma

Instead of writing passwords down, use a service like lastpass and generate random passwords for all of your websites.

toomuchLSD8 karma

I've been looking to get out of IT for 2 years now, but haven't found an entry level job taking applicants at a decent pay rate. I'd like to really look into this, as I was already also looking to move to CO anyways. I do not have hard labor experience, all IT background, but I hit the gym regularly and have a killer work ethic. Would I have a chance? Where do I look to apply?

toomuchLSD5 karma

I got into computers honestly because I was really sheltered. I had a child out of high school and took my part-time web design full time in the industry quite suddenly. I just don't derive the same sense of accomplishment I used to. That and always being on call - I've gotten called on my wedding day ffs.

toomuchLSD5 karma

We get by & we can save a little, but not much more than that. I could make more money, but I'd have to move to the city, and we are not city people. That is another reason I'd like to get out of IT, I feel tied to tech metro areas, and want to learn how to make money without a keyboard.