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toolboc55 karma

I'm curious if you graduated from the University of Houston because IIRC correctly at my graduation (which was December 2010) a 15 year old female graduated in Biology (there was a big announcement about it). Either way, Go Coogs!

toolboc22 karma

How cool, so you are her! I'm pretty sure we actually graduated together, College of NSM with MS in Computer Science here. It must be great doing grad school with so much time ahead of you. I got out of my master's at 26 and wish I could have been more proactive. I would feel extremely lucky if I was you. There are no "what am I going to do with my life", or awkward low income scenarios in your early 20's. You will already be made, so it's like you will have a spare 7 years+ on everyone, not to mention the prospect of early retirement. Good luck on your endeavors.