Highest Rated Comments

tldr_bullet_points1161 karma

That sound you hear is a thousand fans sighing in disappointment.

tldr_bullet_points35 karma

Wow. Could you provide a link so I can read up on that?

tldr_bullet_points16 karma

The guy with the Poland Spring bottles. Isn't it illegal to fill those containers which aren't approved with gas?

tldr_bullet_points11 karma

This has nothing to do with laws, and more to do with the fact that casinos profits are directly related to their customers' perception of how fair they are.

Casinos that seem to be cheating their customers, lose customers.

This was the practice that Meyer Lansky made fashionable. He realized by running the games by the book, the casino would make way more money than by running a crooked racket.

tldr_bullet_points8 karma

Wait, what? Please explain.