Highest Rated Comments

tinfang23 karma

Are we all the carrot?

tinfang10 karma

Wait a minute? Are you there god? It's me Margaret? I read that in 7th or 8th great early 80's and was so embarrassed I was a dude reading a chick book when it was pointed out I was on the library card.

Anyway, I read all of your books 83-84.

I learned that year to not be embarrassed about anything I read because... I was reading. Authors like you helped me understand the greatest two skills I could ever have learned was reading and swimming.

tinfang8 karma

May have been answered before but:

How do you get a job on a cruise line? What qualifications? How is the pay? What can we reasonably expect for starting salary? What is the turnover rate? Is there a valid career path?

tinfang7 karma

Why the hell do corporations have more of a say than the general public? How many non corporation voices = one monopoly?

tinfang7 karma

Why should the public pay for ISP's bad gambling on content in the last decade instead of upgrades to their systems?

Those monopolies made bad business bets by buying content when it was OBVIOUS yesterdays content brands would go the way of newspapers given the plethora of available new content versus bad reality show brands. Now you want to reward them by jacking prices for inferior service?

Why can Korea or Eastern Bloc nations get better bandwidth and service than Major metropolitan US cities?