Highest Rated Comments

timmytimtom9 karma

Former Steritech Specialist here, how did you view our service? Was it beneficial in your opinion or more of a dog and pony show? Was it always a scramble when we showed up or were the systems in place to allow you to not worry so much?

timmytimtom6 karma

Yeah, that sounds tough. I was a former restaurant manager before joining Steritech and that was tough for me because I've been there and totally felt for you guys. Everyday and every shift can change based on any number of factors (employees calling in sick, weird/unplanned rushes, new employees) and in the world of Steritech it's very much black and white or should I say compliant/non-compliant. In terms of food safety I was always happy and impressed though. The operators really and truly do care about food safety and the guest relations were pretty top notch. Sorry for all the stress we add to your already stressful job! Talk about someone standing over your shoulder!