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timfitz4220 karma

The after-the-fact "Lost" web clip of you and Mark Pellegrino hiding in the bushes and talking about the cork metaphor ... was that essentially making fun of the anti-climactic ending and the fans' reaction to it?

I have to say, I laughed pretty hard, and I was wondering how much input you and Mark Pellegrino had on that scene, or if it was entirely created by Lindleof and Cuse.

timfitz425 karma

Was that the creation of you and Mark? Or did Lindleof and Cuse write that to poke fun at themselves?

I didn't find it negative at all, it really did put a smile on my face. :)

timfitz424 karma

Hawking and Krauss posit a quantum fluctuation as the source of the singularity in the big bang. From what I've read, there is a relationship between the amount of energy in a quantum fluctuation and how long it can persist for, so Hawking and Krauss use a gravitational field's potential negative energy to balance the net energy to zero.

My question is this: In the absence of space and mass to warp it, where is the gravitational field coming from?

PS: I'm a laymen, so if possible, avoid a mathematical answer :)

timfitz424 karma

You did a fantastic job on the show. Wish we'd gotten more of your character. Thanks! :)

timfitz421 karma

Speaking of Goonies ... any update on the possible sequel?