Highest Rated Comments

tim196786 karma

Thanks for what you guys do, Patriot Riders! I interviewed someone from the Patriot Riders years ago & then Shirley Phelps. The Patriot Riders rock.

tim19677 karma

Sounds Cool, what did you learn from the two experiments?

tim19671 karma

Thanks for the 411! An update would be great! What a great opportunity.

Sorry I know it's the next day, but should you read this, is there any information online about the mentor program, the experiments and/or the 'Dragon'? I am sure I can google the Dragon.

Edit - Here is a great site on the SpaceX Dragon http://www.spacex.com/dragon

I am sure it was disappointing to lose one experiment, but I imagine they learn much from failures too.

tim19671 karma

thks for the links! Your a great PR person btw.