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tibbymat29 karma

This feels a lot like the Bill Nye and Starwars Battlefront AMA

tibbymat22 karma

Is there any evidence that a children’s passion stays consistent throughout their life? I remember constantly changing what I wanted to do.

tibbymat22 karma

I sympathize with you Americans, I really do, but why are you spamming every Reddit page with this?! Why is Reddit allowing this?

Reddit is used by people all over the world who aren’t effected by this and would like to browse Reddit as it is intended. I’m scrolling past net neutrality posts like mad right now!

tibbymat11 karma

How do you come up with your material? Is it catered to the individual or is this group sessions you do? Do you speak with the families before hand to know their “line” or topics of interest?

tibbymat6 karma

all sides does position them as left leaning. Just for reference. Not disregarding the article yet as I havent read it yet.