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throwin1taway3 karma

It is great to see men standing up for women! Highly commendable. These "pick up artists" are disgusting and try to hide their thinly veiled misogyny behind "romance", targeting insecure and vulnerable women that aren't able to defend themselves.

I once got cornered by a guy... he just was hanging around and I walked past him and he leapt in front of me and said "Hey, you're in my psychology class, right?!"... I said "no, I don't take psychology" and tried to walk away (I have never taken a psychology class nor do I have a face that could easily look like someone else) and he kept trying to continue the conversation... luckily I'd seen a video around the time about these PUA and knew what he was doing. Creepy AF. If I were a bit insecure and needed attention from random men to validate myself... and hadn't seen the video... this might have worked. It is NOT a way to start a healthy relationship. You do not start a relationship based on lies and just being the one random girl out of hundreds of failed attempts to fall for some lines out of a book.

What made you decide to start stopping them? Have they ever got violent?