Highest Rated Comments

throwawaylurker012157 karma

Wow. What is real life...hearing Jon Stewart talking about GameStop in the same sentence as "jizz memes"

throwawaylurker012102 karma

"Hey maaaa! Get my air pump!"

throwawaylurker01252 karma


This has an interesting case study today of all days. If you look at retail staple Bed Bath & Beyond (ticker: BBBY) on sites like Finviz, you can see the poster above's discussion in action.

You can catch how the "float" (a fancy Wall Street term which just means how many shares we can buy and sell on the open market) for the entire stock is ~95 million. However, you will also notice that the volume for today is 88 million. Almost the entirety of all shares in existence for investors to buy and sell has traded in a single day. And the market hasn't closed yet! (2+ hours left!)

For example: https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=BBBY

EDIT: Correction! 91 million volume for today, with 1.5 hours left!

throwawaylurker01240 karma

what a callback!

throwawaylurker01237 karma

Thanks again Jon! For this and for all you do!