Highest Rated Comments

thoailong879 karma

Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for being open-minded and civil about this topic. I've seen so many people go apeshit over fluoridation on Reddit, and it's really refreshing to see someone who just wants to assess some informed answers.

thoailong876 karma

That is not a silly question. You have to ask why college in the US costs so much in the first place. In the US, people generally do not care about being educated. They pursue education for the purpose of finding a job. Colleges and banks know that they can price their education and loans at whatever cost they want, and the majority of people do not have the foresight to weigh the costs against the benefits. You give a student an education, they're gonna expect white collar jobs to pay for the massive debt they accrued. But guess what, there aren't that many jobs going around, and nobody wants to go to school for 4 years to end up making coffee at Starbucks. We also have a much higher population than Germany, and giving everyone a free education on the government's dollar would bankrupt us.

Education is a great thing, but only if you have the ability and motivation to use it. In my experience, most college kids partied away their education, and the ones who had the stones to make it, they went ahead and succeeded. What's leftover are plenty of people with degrees and nothing else to show for it. If we cared so much about education, we should set standards for primary care higher. They're abysmally pathetic in the US.