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thisiskate9 karma

SO, I'm super excited about this AMA, because I literally have listened to your music all my life. My dad is a super metalhead, and I grew up on Anthrax. My teacher in second grade asked us for our role models, and I was told that 'Scott Ian' is not an acceptable role model to write a paper of admiration about. Shows what they knew!!!

Anyways, my questions are:

1.) If you were an animal, what would you be?

2.) What was your favorite song you worked on? Not because it was fun to play, but actually putting it together and recording.

3.) What's the writing process like in Anthrax? Is someone bossy and writes most of it, or does everyone pull their weight? What happens behind the scenes, for real.

Again, thanks, this is probably the coolest AMA ever and I will have to ask my dad to post something too.