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thinkandrelate5 karma

Will UH be the upset Houstonians have been waiting for? We need some kind of a basketball win.

thinkandrelate5 karma

I began training myself to lucid dream some 10 years ago, but now I find it difficult to have a dreamless sleep. I’m consistently dreaming and it’s exhausting. Any tips on how to rectify this situation?

thinkandrelate1 karma

I have had clinical depression since my junior high and high school years but made a jump to major depression in my early 20s. I’m currently in my early 30s and have stopped taking medication due to the extreme costs to seek any professional help, insurance is not very good. My fiancé does what he can, when I let him in, during my down phases but what more should I do to keep an open dialogue with my fiancé if I all would rather do is lie in bed and shut out the world?