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thestreetiliveon7 karma

Did you hate it as much as my cousins did? They were forever living in compounds, high security, etc. They don't begrudge their parents for it, but often talk about having missed out on a 'normal' childhood.

thestreetiliveon6 karma

Clash fan here (I actually got to see them in 1980!) - he should check out Stiff Little Fingers.

thestreetiliveon5 karma

I can't imagine living in a place where you can't just tell your mom "I'm going to my friend's house!" and leaving. Although they did make lifelong friends at their international schools, they had no real freedom.

thestreetiliveon2 karma

Hi there!

I often tell people that they should live on their own at some point. I did for a few years in my 20s (I’m in my 50s now) and don’t go out of my mind whenever I’m alone now.

Any opinion on that?

thestreetiliveon1 karma

How come there is NO cancer in my very large extended family, going back at least three or four generations? Everyone seems to die of old age, well into their 90s.

Varying lifestyles - from vegan athletes to chain-smoking alcoholics. English, Irish, Scottish backgrounds. Hearing and eyesight issues seem to be the worst thing.

Is that genetics or just plain luck?