Highest Rated Comments

thesneakywalrus522 karma


They actually only answered people that qualified for subsidies.

No answers for Singles making ~$48-$50k year, basically because there are no answers.

Because 8 out of 10 HealthCare.gov consumers qualify for financial help,

This is literally in his introduction. When a majority of people need government subsidies in order to pay for the federally required healthcare plans.....something may be wrong with the system.

thesneakywalrus78 karma

Then he'll just get a head transplant, duh.

thesneakywalrus73 karma

Yesterday I ordered a Double-Hamburger (as it is still $1 because the McDouble has gone up to $1.27). Girl told me that she has to enter it as a McDouble with no cheese and I still paid $1.27.

I don't really care about the increased cost, but it seemed stupid at the time.

Do you guys really not have a Double-Hamburger on the menu? Because I've totally been eating them for months.

thesneakywalrus2 karma

What it comes down to for me:

Give me the highest possible fidelity audio. The closest I can feasibly get to the audio that the engineers are working with, the better. Whatever bit-rate, depth, sample rate that the material is recorded and mastered in, just give me that, HDD space is no longer at a premium.

I am capable of deciding how to compress my audio, and may very well choose multiple compression methods for my uses. FLAC, MP3, AAC, WAV, and countless others all have their strengths and weaknesses. I don't see any reason that, as a consumer, I can't be provided the option to work from the top-down.

thesneakywalrus2 karma

I've seen your debut album dubbed 'A Series of Musical Combustions', where can I purchase said album? Digital or physical works. I love your stuff and would like to have it proper.
