Highest Rated Comments

thepobv69 karma

It's weird I'm sitting here in a Computer Networks class browsing reddit and I saw this AMA it's like a sign I should start paying attention to class or something.

Can you explain the OSI layer model? that's what the prof is doing but I'm not listening... I'll read it if you answer though.

thepobv8 karma

What's going on with anonib?

thepobv2 karma

What's one thing you want most from the new Cosmos by Neil DeGrasse Tyson?

thepobv1 karma

Thank you for your time, What are your opinions on Apple filing many ridiculous patents? Why would business-minded companies even consider Creative Commons?

thepobv1 karma

Hey Baghead!! What are your goals and longterm ambitions for Hooligans XYZ??