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theparkpoet2222 karma

there's a difference between striking up a conversation with a stranger and spending your afternoon sharking over to woman after woman to corner them in conversation. plus the "costume" is a give-away. pick-up artists dress like they might be going to the club later, but the club is also in 2004.

theparkpoet971 karma

once a year doesn't seem that excessive. and yes, this publicity.

theparkpoet802 karma

I live in a big house with lots of friends in Brooklyn. Rent is actually pretty reasonable. And when the weather's nice, the money's pretty good.

And dudeā€¦ those posts are from ~one & ~two years ago. I started in April 2017, so the "three" years is a few months early.

theparkpoet789 karma

mmm no flashier than that. tight jeans with that kind of european-club look. a gold chain. $200 t-shirt, maybe a leather jacket. kind of a try-hard look. sometimes they go more plain.

theparkpoet587 karma

Create it on the spot. The best of the streetwork becomes the bookwork. I take pictures of the poems that seem interesting to me and then spend the winter going thru them and editing and writing and rewriting. Creative process is mostly just trusting my intuitive sense of what syllables should come next.

Love the historical fact. I haven't heard of him. Could you recommend me your favorite poems of his?