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thelandofnarnia22 karma

The tables have turned. Now Taibbi is asking the questions.

thelandofnarnia9 karma

You're generally seen as a pretty nice and down to earth guy - which is pretty cool. My question is what charity or charities do you work with? Are there any smaller ones that your support has helped accomplish more goals than they could have otherwise?

thelandofnarnia6 karma

Two questions:

  1. What do you think is going to happen with these space programs if the two sides can calm down within the next few weeks?

  2. You mention that you know the identity of who really crashed in Roswell. I've seen that it was likely a Russian craft. Is this the case?

thelandofnarnia2 karma

Hi Gwen! Thanks for doing this AMA :)

My question - how do you guys source your stories? And as fans of the show, are there ways to tell you about things we'd like to see discussed on air?

thelandofnarnia2 karma

Interesting point. I would also note that the American Military Industrial Complex is in full swing, and our resources have been continually funneled in the direction of war machines (new aircraft, weaponry, military bases, etc).

Even though we have an incredibly large budget for our space program relative to the rest of the world, we need to put more resource into working in that field as opposed to spending money on controlling resources. I really hope it doesn't take another Cold War to get there though..